Contact Improvisation Class and Jam with Amie Davis

Event/Class Description: Contact Improvisation explores the vast potential for movement generated by two or more people, communicating spontaneously through weight, motion and touch. Through the physical principles of touch, momentum, and weight sharing, this class explores the skills of falling, rolling, counterbalance, lifting using minimal effort, how to make ourselves light when being lifted, centering and breathing techniques, and responsiveness

Surya Namaskar Workshop

Chennai INDIA LILA YOGA SUN SALUTATION WORKSHOP August 20-30 at Zorba - A Renaissance Studio. This ?MAGICAL 45 hour workshop in Chennai ?CELEBRATES? our BODY and our DIVINE ENERGY… Including physical, emotional, intellectual, sexual, and spiritual. Register Now. Call Ashwini: +91 99626 77096 •August 20 & 21 (Saturday & Sunday) 1-7pm. •August 22-26 (Monday-Friday) 6-8:45am •August 27 & 28 (Saturday


Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

Welcome to Lila Yoga! We invite you to come and discover the amazing benefits of an authentic, balanced yoga practice. If you have been wanting to try yoga or am looking for a yoga home, visit us during FREE WEEK! During FREE WEEK, you will have free access to more than 30 classes (morning, noon and night), including: Gentle Yoga Levels I-II (beginners

Intro to Yoga Workshop Series – Starts September 18th

Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

“Intro to Yoga” Level 1 Learn the basics of a traditional yoga practice in a safe, small-class environment. Discover the physical and mental benefits of a yoga practice. Strengthen your body and mind.   Intro to yoga is a 5 evening workshop specifically for students with little or no yoga experience. This small-class setting is an ideal way to learn

Lila Yoga & Body Image Awareness 2-Hour Workshop

Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

Description: Body Image: Body image is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. It encompasses: What you believe about your own appearance (including your memories, assumptions, and generalizations). How you feel about your body, including your height, shape, and weight. How you sense and control your body as you

Duo Acro Workshops

Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

Workshop Description: AcroYoga blends the wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of healing arts. Come join Acro Revolution and Partner Acrobatics teacher John Marquiss and Lila Yoga founder Erica Kaufman for two introductory sessions into this beautiful practice. Experience Needed: This class is perfect for beginner practitioners! All are welcome. What to bring: We

Dance Your Free Spirit: First Underscore in State College with Erica Kaufman

Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

Description: What is the Underscore? The Underscore is a long-form dance improvisation structure which began developing in the 1990's by Nancy Stark Smith. "The Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space-alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising.

Yoga, Food & Body Image Intensive

Lila Yoga Studios 103 E. Beaver Ave, 2nd Floor, State College, PA, United States

Workshop Description: Discover how yoga can support healthy eating and positive body image. Explore mindfulness-based practices for tuning into hunger and fullness signals. Experience the main components of the Eat Breathe Thrive program: four simple and applicable principles to support a healthy relationship with food, body, and oneself. Learn how to use your unique skills and talents to help individuals

Lila Yoga Retreat in Chennai, India

Immerse yourself in the cultural riches of Chennai, India, as you study yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, application, and meditation at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram and Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation. More Info about Lila Yoga in India & Group Activities in India

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