Author Archive for: Erica Kaufman

February 2015

Life is a treasure…Live it with Love and you unlock all the secrets. LOVE LIFE LILA Liberation from conditional love awaits you! Wow so freeing… resentment, insecurity, jealousy, and all negativity melts away… has nowhere to attach. Love in Life frees us into an ever changing liquid reality filled with Blessings, lessons, and gifts of time. This Sweet Pure Love

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Here’s to the magnificent art of feeling. I love the immediacy of feelings…allowing myself to be available to them. In yoga so often there is great emphasis on equanimity of mind in all situations. But what is so often forgotten is that yoga also honors our humanity—the fact that we live through human experiences. Yoga is the great science of

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December 2012: Generosity

I just arrived in Israel and I am surprised to feel the relative quiet and cleanliness compared to India. Suddenly I have reliable internet access, SIM card in my phone was activated in minutes. Ha! and yet… I miss India already…the sacred Mother Land that lifts me up and breaks me wide open each time I am there. Ah…I am

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November 2012: Courage

Courage–intelligent, sensitive, strong courage. Courage is the flip side of fear–they exist because of they each exist. You would not need courage if there was not the ability to have fear. Courage is highly individual–enabling each of us uniquely to disarm our fears. Sanskrit for courage = Surya (just like Sun/Heart) Courage allows us to be true to our heart.I

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