Diving into the Unknown & Rising into Your Magnificence

“Whether teaching Lila Yoga or Contact Improvisation, I am offering, supporting, pushing, nudging, edging on, instigating, and wishing for A WAKE UP CALL INTO THE RICHNESS OF LIVING! Into a nourishing way of being… An invitation into living in a larger awakened state–a state of really listening, hearing, moving, engaging, being, and being fully present. Allowing your presence to sink into, exist, and interplay with a larger presence of energy and to feel it supporting you into the rhythm of it all. It is the source of life–the privilege of life.
It’s both magical, mystical and it’s also actually quite a simple thing. Our bodies & minds are a vehicle for existence and are designed beautifully with a network of neurons that keep us alive, and sensitized, ignited, and adrenalized, and intelligent. Most of our societies and cultures today don’t easily offer us the opportunity to awake into the kinetic, somatic integrative way of living.
Lila Yoga Explorations and contact improvisation provide a frame to investigate the richness of life. And because there is no one set pedagogical form for these, it leads to continual discovery and awakening. They offer a rich way of learning, living, and offering.
If my body is my vehicle for existence and not just for making babies and producing food, but is also for my curiosities and potentials within my existence… If my purpose of being is to explore, discover, honor, and to respect, and respect the privilege of being alive, and to treat and honor the gift of consciousness within a live reactive body of respectful intelligence, then I am living with higher potentials. I’m perpetually diving into and swimming with a full and rich life. I’m inviting all of us to dive into the unknown and rise into magnificence.”